Thursday, September 15, 2016

Cue Cards

For Early Achievers, and for the best child outcomes, we are looking for teachers to have quality interactions with children.  Those interactions include asking open ended questions and having conversations. 

For many, this is a new skill that needs practice.   Asking open ended questions is not always intuitive for everyone.

Here’s a tip – make yourself some “cue cards” to post in the room and remind you of open ended questions and conversations you can have with each type of material.  See sample you might include below.

Another option is to start each day with a few 3x5 cards in your pocket that have you open ended questions.

Use your cue cards until asking open ended questions becomes second nature.


Questions/Conversations - Book Area

What do you think this book will be about?  Why do you think so?

What do you thing will happen next?  Why do you think so?

What was your favorite part of the story?


Questions/Conversations - Block Area

Tell me about what you are building.

How did you come up with that idea?

What else does it need?  How could you do that?


Questions/Conversations - Fine Motor Area

How did you figure out how to put that together?

Can you tell me how to do it?

What can we do with these?


Questions/Conversations - Art Area

Tell me about what you’ve made.

Why did you decide to make that?

How will you know when it is done?



Questions/Conversations – Science-Nature Area

How do you think it works?

What do you know about this?

Have you seen this before?  Tell me about it.


Questions/Conversations – Music Area

You lead a dance and I’ll follow you – show me how.

Can you make up new works for this song?

Why do you like this song (or music, dance)?


Questions/Conversations – Dramatic Play Area

What should we play today?  What will we need to do it?

How do you do this at home?

What are some more ideas?


Questions/Conversations – Math-Number Area

How can you tell which is more (or heavier, bigger)?

How do you know if you are right?

How can we sort them out?

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