Monday, March 16, 2015

Much of the Day

In the Environment Rating Scale (ERS) there are terms Much of the Day (ITERS and FCCERS) and Substantial portion of the day (ECERS).
These terms are huge in that they affect the scores in as many as 11 different areas.  If you miss much of the day/substantial portion of the day,  each of the 11 areas may be lowered from a 5,6 or 7 score to a maximum of 4.  We don’t want that to happen!!

For preschool classrooms in centers, Substantial portion of the day means your materials are available for children to use at least 1/3 of the time they are there. 

For infant/toddler rooms or FCC programs, much of the day means almost all of the time the children are there.   If children are limited from play materials for more than 20 minutes, the scores will be affected. 

Times that will count against substantial portion of the day/much of the day include:
Group times (circle time, group art projects, etc.)
Lengthy routines (long waits for handwashing, diapering, etc.)
Any times children are restricted for materials (some areas “closed”, only items on tables available, rotating through activities without free choice)

What does this mean – LOTS OF FREE PLAY and FREE CHOICE will give you increased points!

Kill Two Birds With One Stone

In the ERS Nature/Science are you are asked to have 3-5 "collections" of natural objects.  (5.1)   You are also asked in 3.3 if children are encouraged to bring in natural things to share or add to collections. 

Ask the children to bring rocks, shells, leaves, seed pods, pinecones, etc. to create collections for your classroom and you can meet both of these science/nature items.

Friday, March 13, 2015

I'll Be Back!

Greeting and Departing is an item in the Environment Rating Scale in which you can score very well.

Most of you do a wonderful job of:
Greeting each child
Greeting the parents
Exchanging information with the family
Helping children be ready for pick up

There is one additional element of Greeting and Departing that could potentially lower your score significantly!

Each time a teacher leaves/enters the classroom, they need let the children know they are leaving or are back.

Be sure to get in the habit of announcing your arrival/departure so you can get a high score in Greeting and Departing!!