Friday, January 20, 2017

Back Pocket

We know that we want to get kids to talk and to think for the CLASS assessment in Early Achievers.  A best practice for this is to ask open ended questions and have conversations.  Sometimes, though, in the heat of the moment, we draw a blank and can’t think of a good open ended question.

For those times, it’s great to have a few easy starters in your “back pocket”.  At a recent reflective practice group we brainstormed some of these, such as:

“What’s up over here?”

“Teel me about this”

“What are you thinking about?”

“Wow, I want to know about this!”

These are all generic enough to be use at any time, for any activity, and can be in your “back pocket” when you need them.


What other back pocket starters can you think of??

Friday, January 13, 2017

Great Video

I just ran across this video that is very helpful. 
While she talks about standards from Illinois, remember that we have our own Early Learning Development Guidelines in Washington.